say no to porno
XX Teens were previously named Xerox Teens, until the photocopier company made them change it. They went from sounding like an office equipment apprenticeship firm to a porn production. They still make nice music though, fortunately. Electro-rock always goes down well with a decent cowbell. And ohh, I wish that bassline actually was in a porn production, it's saucy as fuck.XX Teens - The Way We Were
Also, here's some solid jiving remixes of some Australian bands for you to enjoy, some of them have been getting quite a listen of late. If you're really dance/house intolerant, I would recommend giving these a skip. They're a bit different to what I would post normally, but they're all solid remixes.ACDC - Thunderstruck (Crookers Remix)
Presets - This Boy's In Love (Losers vs. Presets Remix)
Midnight Juggernauts - Road To Recovery (Miami Horror Remix)
Posted in: acdc, crookers, losers, miami horror, midnight juggernauts, presets, xx teens on 25.7.08 at at 4:54 AM